Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 62 - 62. THE CURSE

"I like your plan, Mr Pendragon, so where do you want to invest?" He finally asked.

Magnus was waiting for this. He took out a thick stack of papers from the drawer. ​​

"First, let\'s talk about the contract," Magnus said with a smile and all of a sudden, Ted felt he was sitting in front of some greedy businessman.

~Should I get a lawyer?... Wait, I AM a Lawyer.~ his mind was in disarray.

He started to read the contract and focused on each word to make sure he was not signing for something that would make him a slave. Though his worries were uncalled for as Magnus would never do something so scummy.

The main points in the contract were simple. He must follow Magnus\' orders to invest or disinvest wherever he\'s told to. He must keep an eye on what is happening in the market, and he must attend the board meetings in place of Magnus, except the meetings of Futuretek industries.

"Wait, who is this second owner of the parent company?" Ted asked.

"My best friend, Bobby, he will be using his brains in the technological department. Together we will have the ultimate control of the company with the two of us having veto power." Magnus answered.

[A/N: No, I am not planning on making any stupid scenarios where Bobby and Magnus will fight for control of the company. Both of them don\'t care about the company, all they want is technology, power and money.]

"Hmm, okay, the terms are pretty simple. I am like your lawyer plus accountant? but I only have a law degree, I don\'t know much about accounting and business, I don\'t even have the licence to practice in the US." Ted said. He was honestly interested in this job but he did not want to be the reason for the loss for Magnus.

"Don\'t worry, I have two expert potioneers, they are cheap labour. They will make lots of memory enhancement potions for you. You will use them and learn all about law, business and accounting related to all major countries in the world. I\'m sure that as a wizard, you already have mental capacity higher than muggles, so it shouldn\'t be hard. Also, I will give you a book about Occlumency. Practice it, it will make your brain quick and efficient." Magnus told his plan.

Ted was feeling a bit uneasy. Isn\'t this too much? "Why me? I mean, I am certainly not suited for this job, then why me?"

"Because you are a muggle-born, who is married to a witch belonging to one of the most racist families in the wizarding world. You chose not to be scared of them and ran away with her. There is still so much risk there but you are not afraid.

"I respect you. Another reason was that you know the muggle world. It will surprise you that there aren\'t many people who are wizards and also lawyers in muggle law. In fact, I don\'t think there is anyone beside you.

"Anyway, your salary will be 3000 Galleons(14000 pounds in today\'s market) a month. So, are you interested, Mr Tonks?" Magnus asked.

Ted\'s eyes nearly popped out of the sockets. This was so much money. He wasn\'t even making half of it in his normal job.

"This is not it. Soon, I will get you a place where you can keep your family safe from blood supremacists. Also, your salary will be in the millions once we start making revenue. You will be in the executive branch of the company." Magnus said. He was in reality, just selling a dream for now. But, this was a dream very likely to happen.

"Where do you want to invest first?" Ted asked, already feeling numb to all this.

Magnus put forward another file, "Intel. This company makes computer chips, they will be going public soon. I want to invest in it as much as possible. If you can, you should contact them from the backdoor and discuss the investment. They need money right now. Though I\'m sure they will not easily agree to it."

"Y-you want to use magic on them?" Ted asked uneasily.

"No, that\'s not good. And I\'m sure MACUSA will somehow smell something wrong, after all, in all these years, someone must have tried it and yet we haven\'t heard about any famous Wizard who owns one of fortune 500 companies." Magnus said.

"Okay, give me a few days and as many memory potions as possible. I will cram all the knowledge I can. Then I will go to the US." Ted decided.

Magnus nodded and gave him a money pouch that had lots of galleons. "Consider this the first payment. Also, keep this a secret, I don\'t want anyone to know that an 11-year-old is behind all this."

So, after getting all these instructions. Ted was sent away and Magnus went back to his dorm room.

But, as soon as he arrived there, he was greeted with an annoying face of Avery.

"Here comes the penniless king." Mulciber started jumping around and shouting.

"Ah? Are you talking to this mudblood? Sorry, now you got dirt on yourself too, so why are you dirty filthy purebloods jumping around like monkeys?" Magnus asked with a mocking voice.

Mulciber stopped jumping around and threw a piece of paper at him. "Read this, we got this from your beloved Owl."

Hearing this, Magnus\' face turned serious. "What did you do to Summer?"

"Are you talking about this owl?" Lucius threw an owl at Magnus\' feet. It was badly hurt and barely moving.

Magnus crouched down and held Summer in his arms. Seeing Magnus, the little innocent bird made a sound.

His eyes burnt in anger, as he looked at Lucius, "You did this?"

"What if I did? What will you do?" Lucius asked. He was not going to start the fight this time.

"Till now, I thought you acted like this because of your broken beliefs, but today... you shouldn\'t have done this. From now, THIS IS PERSONAL." Magnus ragefully claimed.

Magnus was already having a hard time keeping himself from just burning him right at that moment. But that would get him expelled.

"ROOO..." Summer hooted in pain.

To Magnus\'s ears, it sounded as if someone close to him was crying. This owl had become his pet now and he loved animals.

With all his hatred directed towards Lucius, he spoke, "I learned this from Merlin, a magic lost in ages. I, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragons, curse Lucius Malfoy, that he will lose everything that he holds dear. Family, Wealth and Life. God is the witness."

"HAHAHA... what was that? Some heavenly curse?" Gasper Avery laughed.

Magnus silently left them. Knowing he had done what he needed to. The magic behind his curse was simple. It was taught to him by Merlin, that if one were to direct all their hatred at one person, and then curse them wholeheartedly, it would become real. But, the catch was that a person with the magical strength of a dragon was needed. This was near to impossible to have, but luckily, Magnus had it.

Magnus quickly entered his room, Snape and Ragnar were studying there.

"YOU TWO... HELP ME HERE." He shouted.

They immediately left everything they were doing. Snape was fast and brought a blood replenishing potion.

"Who did this?" Ragnar asked angrily.

"Lucius, who else could it be? Wait, I will cast the healing charm on Summer. She needs all the help possible." Magnus focused on helping the bird.

After an hour, she was finally in good condition and fell asleep in Magnus\' lap. She had injured her wings heavily and it would take her at least a month to be able to fly again.

Magnus continuously caressed her head while reading the paper for which all this happened. It was a letter... from the Ministry.


Mr Pendragon, we would like to inform you that due to being an underage wizard, your vault of Merlin is being put under the care of the Ministry and access to the vault of King Arthur is being given to the Royal Family of Britain.

You will have access to these vaults once you turn 18. If you have any complaints then please contact the head of the department of the Minister.


Dolores Umbridge, Department of Treasury

[Letter Ends]

Magnus had read the letter aloud. He was now very annoyed at the attitude of the Ministry. He crumpled the letter and threw it into the dustbin.

"Seriously, how can they do this?" Snape asked. He was shocked by this act. In no way did it sound good to mess up with Magnus, who had such powerful names attached to him?

"I\'m sure some Purebloods were behind it. Lucius and his goons sounded like they knew everything." Magnus said.

All of a sudden, a voice came from Arthur\'s portrait, it was Merlin.

"Mag, just tell the Ministry to give you the position in Wizengamot. After all, it was I who started the Wizards of Round table and called it the Wizengamot. Later when the ministry was formed, it got added to it. The seat in Wizengamot is hereditary so you have a right to have it. Also, don\'t worry about them getting the money in the vault, nobody except you can enter, besides, you cast that curse on Lucius.

Now just wait and enjoy the show." Merlin advised.

Hearing all this, Magnus started writing a letter to the Minister for Magic for his rightful position in Wizengamot. His plan was simple, if Ministry was going to create trouble, he was going to do the same, but it would be multiplied by 10 times.

[A/N: Any guesses on what will happen to Malfoy?]

[You can see Summer on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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