Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 42 - 42. Twin Vaults

Soon, they arrived in front of one huge door. Bigger than the gates of the great hall of Hogwarts by many times.

"So, do you have the key?" Magnus asked. ​​

"No, there is no key. We have no idea how it opens. Touch it, maybe it will recognise your blood." the goblin advised.

Magnus nodded and went closer to the gate. He looked at the intricate design of the gate. It had so many patterns on it that he didn\'t even know what to make of it. There were lines, curves and whatnot. All made of carved metal.

He put his right hand on it and tried to push it in. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Then, suddenly, the engravings on the door started moving, as if they were all snakes.

But, by the end of the movement of all these snakes, they had organised themselves in a shape that depicted a dragon. Then all of a sudden, the dragon opened its mouth and Magnus\' whole body was engulfed in flames.


When the flames disappeared, Magnus was not there. The head goblin panicked and started shouting for him.

"YOUR MAJESTY... WHERE ARE YOU?" he shouted. He was still calling Magnus your majesty because the Goblins had taken Arthur as their king too. This way, Goblins had proved allegiance to Arthur and Merlin and not Morgan Le Fey.

"I\'M FINE... The fire seemed to be some kind of special way to enter. Only one from my bloodline can enter it without being burned. You stay there and wait for me." Magnus\'s loud voice came from inside.

Magnus turned to look at the long path leading deep down inside the mountain. It was illuminated by fire torches. Even the floor had some kind of a glowing stone that was making the whole path illuminated.

~He really made a very futuristic looking place while living in the past.~ Magnus thought.

He followed the pathway until it brought him to a dead end. There was a simple wall in front of him with two smaller gates on them. One was bright red and one was bright blue.

On the left one were words saying, "Greatness awaits you, unless you\'re the guy on my left,"

On the red door on the right, it said, "Mumbo Jumbo won\'t take you far, be a great man before a great fighter."

Magnus chuckled, ~These two were like this from the start.~

Then, first, he decided to open the vault of Arthur Pendragon. He went ahead and touched the red door with his palm. Then, with a stone grinding sound, the door got pushed in and slid to the top.

In front of Magnus was a dark space. So, he put his first step forward. Like it was a motion sensor, the torches on the walls of the vault ignited immediately.

Now, in front of him was a majestic vault, bigger than multiple football stadiums combined. His jaw hung open, seeing the beautiful hills gold, all-around filled to the brim.

What the inheritance note had said was not even the tip of the iceberg. It only counted the gold coins, while here, there were many gold made and precious metal decorated statues, there so much money he didn\'t even know.

~I\'m really... filthy rich.~ he thought to himself and roamed around the vault. Then, after looking for a while, he finally found the robes and crown of King Arthur. These two might come in handy later so he put it in a better, more visible place.

Then he found the huge enchanted weapon racks. There were so many, It was as if Arthur was planning on raising an army.

But, except for all this, there was nothing much other than money and more money. The magical items were nonexistent. Now that he had seen the money, it was time to see magic.

So, he went out of the Arthur vault and stood up in front of Merlin\'s vault. Magnus was expecting at least 1 good wand this time. The last one couldn\'t even handle his budding powers.

The door opened in a similar fashion to Arthur\'s. But the change was visible. It was more organised. It had a huge library and also, a full chemical testing equipment.

~This place, feels so magical.~ he thought happily. But, then his eyes fell on an egg near the entrance.

There was also a note, saying. "If the Dragon mom comes, she can take it. But if not, then my next heir shall bring the dragon to life. If you are reading this, then she did not come. So, it will be your job to train him now. Yes, you\'re a mum now, boy."

Magnus\' brows furrowed as he saw the egg. It was going to hatch soon, apparent from its movements.


"Oh no," he exclaimed.

Magnus was very much shocked by this turn of events. It seems that up until now, the egg was in a state of comatose.

It started twitching and cracking from places. He knew that the dragon baby would be coming out.

Then, it finally happened. A big crack appeared and a head popped out of it. It looked like a chicken at the moment, just without a beak.



Magnus was left speechless. "Aren\'t you a Dragon? Why are you quacking?"



"What do baby dragons even sound like? Okay, we\'ll see that later. You sit in my pocket for now." He muttered and scooped up the baby dragon.

He then turned to look around in the vault. It was equally as big as Arthur\'s. Though there was less gold, but more other stuff.

After looking around at various books, he finally found the wands section. He really needed one.

He randomly picked wands from the cases and tried a simple Lumos spell. The wand that was producing the most light meant it was the best.

But, even after trying tens of them, he didn\'t find a perfect one. So, he had a hyothesis~Maybe Merlin has it hidden?~

So, he took 10 wands with him. He was really going to use them like expendables.

Then, he went to see the enchanted Wizard robes. They were big for him but he still put them on. They were black, made of leather, but the inside had nice soft red fur.

"Ah, this feels comfortable. Only if it came in my size." He muttered.


It did get smaller to his size. "Woah, what else is there that\'s like this? I should bring Merlin\'s portrait here next time."


"Ah, you must be hungry. Okay, let\'s go back. Smuggling you into Hogwarts should be easy under the disguise of a duck." He decided.

He took some gold coins and left the vault. He still needed to check out the castle of Merlin when he will have holidays.

He went back to the door from where he entered the mountain. This time, no fire came and he was sent out as if he had apparated. The door was less like a door but more like a portkey, he had studied about.

When he came out, he saw the two Goblins sitting together on the gondola lift. They were smoking something and stopped the moment they saw him.

"Haha, what was that? Since when did Goblins start smoking?" He asked. Magnus was a kid, he didn\'t know how to differentiate between a cigarette and marijuana.

"Ah, just some stress reliever. Were you satisfied with the visit?" The head goblin asked. He had greed in his eyes.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, let\'s return now. We will sign an agreement for the lease."

So, they started their boring journey back to the top. He really needed to find a way to enter the vaults faster.


Omake (An Omake is just an alternate version of the main story. It is not canon and exists just for the laughs.)

[The scene is when the Inheritance test result came in.]

The results of the Inheritance test came out. Everyone in the area had their jaws touching the floor. There were two more names other than Merlin and King Arthur.

The Head Goblin looked at the paper and sneered while looking at Dumbledore. He then passed it onto the Minister for Magic, who was horrified after reading it. In fact, she couldn\'t hold it and vomited.


Magnus and Dumbledore were in shock by this. Rita Skeeter, quickly snatched the paper to get the news. But she was left dumbstruck after seeing it. And then she exploded, "BIGGEST NEWS OF THE CENTURY..."

Soon, Moody the hold of it. His fake eye twitched uncontrollably. He then looked at Dumbledore and asked, "HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?"

"What?" Dumbledore asked back.

Moody slowly handed the paper to Dumbledore. The old man was calm till now, but all of a sudden, he felt his scalp going numb and his face getting hot with embarrassment.

"What is it, Professor?" Magnus asked in great interest. He wanted to know the reason behind all these over the top reactions.

Dumbledore, still a bit red, handed the paper to Magnus. Magnus read it aloud to all.

"Okay. It says that I am related to.

1. Merlin Emrys - By Blood

2. King Arthur Pendragon - By Blood

3. Albus Dumbledore - By relation (Great Grandparent.)

4. Gellert Grindelwald - By relation (Great Grandparent.)"

Slowly, the paper slid from Magnus\' hand and it fell down on the floor. He was stuck in time, not moving. His young brain processed everything he read.


He turned back to Dumbledore and asked, "Are you, my Great Grandpa?"

But seeing no reaction on his face, he asked further. But this time, he saw Dumbledore\'s pupil contract. "Are you my... Great Grandma?"

Dumbledore went full red ... "UwU... don\'t mind it, Magnus, those days are gone, wild times those were, so much war and sin."

Magnus coughed, "YES... EXACTLY!... so much war and SIN!... BUT HOW?"

Dumbledore closed his eyes and sighed before answering, "The dark side of the magic is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be...UNNATURAL."

[Omake Ends(THIS IS NOT CANON TO THIS STORY. An omake is a short alternate story of the main novel.)]

[You can see Arthur\'s vault, Merlin\'s vault and the baby dragon on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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